Dauntless Turns 28 years-old as She Passes 5000 Hours

I really did not have time to celebrate as we were entering the inlet to Ilha de Coulatra.

Our track inbound as we depart outbound
Our track inbound as we depart outbound. A much less interesting departure

Conditions were far from ideal: a two knot current against us, 20 knot winds behind us and ocean depths shallowing from 400 feet to less than 20’; it was not the time to get the cake out.

But Dauntless handled the conditions like she always does with a nonchalance that says, if this is what you want me to do, I’ll get it done.

As you can see from our inbound track, we waggled a bit, but that was the extent of it.  We then proceeded to head up the well-marked river channel, only to discover that the marina was full.  Now in the USA, we are accustomed to a marina being full. Making reservations, calling ahead are sometimes critical and done pretty routinely.

Instead in Europe, at least in Northern Europe, first talked about in the Cruising Forum and later confirmed by experience over last two years, is that there is always space.  And if space is not readily available space will be found.  Sometimes that means sailboats will be rafted together two or three deep.  For the most part this Krogen escaped that inconvenience because of our large bow rise.

I think this difference in marina culture is more about the culture than anything else.  I mean in the north, there is a very evident culture of the sea. Thus seafarers are accommodated pretty much no matter what.  It carries over to prices also.  Throughout the North and Baltic Seas, marina prices were in the $20 to $35 range; with only Helsinki being out of the normal at $50.  Even with the two weeks I was in Helsinki last year, the average marina cost was only $25 averaged over the four months for our 42 foot (12.7m) Kadey Krogen.

The same inlet from Google
The same inlet from Google

This year, as we came south, I expected prices to rise.  Prices in the west coast of France were in the $30 to $40 range and that continued into Northwest Spain, Galicia.

But as we turned south, as the temperatures got higher so did the prices.  $40 becomes the going rate and other than the little gem of Vila Franca de Xira up the river from Lisbon or the Marina do Freixo, upriver from Porto, everything costs more.

The bigger disappointment however is not so much the prices, but that’s to be expected.  Similar to what I noticed along the east coast of the Untitled States, the seafaring culture is alive and well in New England, but every place else it’s simply a commercial venture.

And that seems to be the attitude here.

Certainly I have always shown a preference for the cooler, off the beaten track places, Maine instead of the Bahamas, for instance, but none the less, the No Room in the Inn sign is a disappointment, especially since I must turn around in a small distance in a 20 knot wind.

Sunrise at our anchorage



More Schengen Shenanigans

Black Pig.  A dish that makes life worthwhile.
Black Pig. A dish that makes life worthwhile.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.

Schengen, that wonderful scheme that allows open borders from the bottom of Greece all the way to the top of Norway.  The only European countries NOT in the Schengen area are England, Scotland, Ireland (one of the reasons I kept the boat there), Turkey, Russia and perhaps Croatia.

As we were leaving the Marina, a Pilot Boat came by and asked us to stay to the right, I said, we could just wait, but he said no problem, just stay right.  All our encounters in Portugal  on the water have been as good.
As we were leaving the Marina, a Pilot Boat came by and asked us to stay to the right, I said, we could just wait, but he said no problem, just stay right. All our encounters in Portugal on the water have been as good. The subject Pilot Boat is on the left of the container ship.

Everyone else, Schengen (drum roll please).

Now the rules are relatively simple, 90 days allowed for every 180 days.  So if you stay 90 days, you must leave and not return until 90 more days have passed.  Arriving my air, from a non-Schengen country (all the rest of the world plus the U.K and Ireland) as you pass through immigration, they stamp your passport.

When you leave, they look for the entry stamp and stamp you out. If you have overstayed your 90 days, then the penalty will depend up on the person checking you out and probably most importantly, what side of the bed they got out of that morning.

The penalty for over-staying, a big red stamp in your passport banning you from any Schengen area country for three years.  Now with a boat in Europe that would throw a monkey wrench into the works.  So that’s a fate I would like to avoid.

Now the rules for boats differ slightly.  From what I have been able to determine and am still not 100% sure since I get told different things by different people all the time, boats and those who enter the country on them are treated as they have always been treated.  Presumably this means that they treat the boat as always leaving and entering, so theoretically, I should check in at every port of entry in each country.

 A street view in Figura da Foz
A street view in Figueira da Foz

So while I am diligent, I also don’t like wasting my time.  Last year, I traveled by boat through 15 countries.  Only in one, the Netherlands, did anyone what to see my passport let alone stamp it.  In fact, there was clearly an aversion to stamp anything.

That’s what happened a few weeks ago in France.  The Customs people came by the boat, to check its papers and to make sure I had not overstayed the 18-month limit on boats and payment of the Value Added Tax (VAT) which is about 21%.  Not chump change, as we said in the day.

They French Customs, checked my USCG Document, and the most important document of all, the original port of entry into the European Union (EU) that took place in August 2014 in the Azores.  Now the Dutch in their vigilance, had given me another form.  This one based on my August 2014 entry into the EU had an area for a stamp when I left the EU.  They also told me that they would enter the information into the big brother computer in Brussels.

Last September (2015) I duly got that form stamped while in Norway to prove that Dauntless had left the EU.  Unlike the rules for people and immigration, the customs rules for things and VAT are totally different and separate.  But I knew it was a big deal, so I ran around Norway, well maybe not the whole country, but the little city of Kristianstad, where I found a bemused customs agent to stamp my form for me.  Did he want a copy? No. Did he want to stamp my passport? No.

Since I have been living this for the last three years, just to clarify, the Schengen Area and the EU are totally DIFFERENT administrative areas.  The former is for people and latter for things.  Dauntless only had to be out of the EU for one day to reset the 18-month clock.

A graituous picture of a glass of port
A gratuitous picture of a glass of port

Now fast forward to France a few weeks ago.  The French were very nice and easy going.  I had the forms, they gave me another one, presumably to document that Dauntless was back in the EU and they went on their merry way.

But no, sorry, they could not stamp my passport.  That was the job of the immigration people, who seem to only hang out at the airport.

OK I figured I get it stamped sooner or later,

So being the diligent little cruiser that I am, I had attempted to get our passports stamped while in Porto.  But upon arriving at the office in the middle of town, it looked like the latest refuge boat had just docked.  There were hundreds of people on line.  I decided to take my chances on the next town.

Figueira da Foz was that place.

When I walked into the Immigration office, no lines, no waiting, a nice reception.  The Portuguese Immigration Agent was duly summoned and I explained the problem in my “English for Foreigners” talk.

He had a colleague who was more fluent and that helped the situation.  But it was obvious that he did not understand why I was all the way down here and had not gotten my passport stamped in France or even Spain or even Porto.

I put on my best Please Help Me look and hoped for the best.

He then took my documents and went back to his office to have a conversation first with his colleague and then on the telephone with a couple of people. Now I do wish I understood a modicum of Portuguese, though while my reading is almost usable, the sounds they make are hard for my language challenged brain to decipher.

In less than 10 minutes he emerged telling me he had stamped our passports, but he wanted to come to the boat to check my other two guests (they havening just arrived only days ago had their entry stamp so I had decided I did not need to also bring their passports.

He verified their passport information and that was that.  I thanked him and he left.

A number of observations and reflections:

Had I not been flying out of Spain or Portugal at the end of September, I would not have bothered.

Last year’s cruise and now this one demonstrate that while a uniform rule is made in Brussels for the EU and Luxemburg for Schengen, counties in general, and marinas specifically, don’t want to hassle boaters.

Lastly, one of the biggest issues is that every agent I’ve spoken to in the last two years is convinced that every office, every agent, every country does it just as they do.  It’s simple, the rule covers everyone and therefore everyone is doing the same thing.

Well, the simple fact is that the situation is exactly the opposite.  Every country seems to have different interpretations of the same rule.  And within countries there is not even a sandcasting of procedures.  Thus, when I say, the French did not want to stamp my passport, I get a look like I have two heads.

So today’s mission was successful because unlike in the past, I knew not to tell them what they could not comprehend.

I will also add that in the plus two years Dauntless has been in Europe, having stopped in 100 cities and towns and over 15 countries, my contacts with Customs, Immigration or even just Maritime Police, were rare, only about a half dozen times and each and every time, the officers were kind, friendly and efficient.  They have always asked to come aboard and always ask if they need to take off their boots (I always say it’s unnecessary).

In terms of rules and regulations, cruising in Europe could not be easier with less histrionics than I have observed in the States.

By the way, did you notice the similarity between Schengen and Shenanigan?  As I’ve said before, I don’t believe in coincidences!

Have a good day!!!






Porto aka Oporto

Dauntless on the River Douro in Porto
Dauntless on the River Douro in Porto

As I have discovered talking to Alvaro and Ana at the Marina do Freixo, Porto, aka Oporto, it is actually Porto.  It seems the English, or most likely one Englishman, upon hearing the Portuguese say “do Porto” as in I am of Porto, the English combined the article with the noun, thus “Oporto” was born.

In any case, it’s Porto.

Porto, Portugal, as we know, if only for the strong wine that originates in this region.

A rare picture of yours truly
A rare picture of yours truly taken by a Korean I met

First, let me say that in the first day, I discovered a cornucopia of “port” wines that were both red and white in a spectrum of sweetness.

Which just goes to show you, even when you think you have seen everything, like most New Yorkers, you only know the sliver the marketers, want you to see.

I had a wonderful lunch, for me dinner, at the Jimao, 11 Praça da Ribeira.  The four small plates I had were as good as I have had in Europe: sardines on toast, morcella and apples, pig cheeks and I ended with panna cotta and a glass of “port” that was not so sweet and more like a rose.  These were washed down with a vinho verde, a tinto (red from the region) and a “port” that was almost a rose.  All perfect accompaniments.

Panna Cotta
Panna Cotta

As I meandered back to Dauntless, about 1 mile up river from downtown, I thought about how fortunate I am.

No matter what travails I have had in the past months, the reality is, I am sitting in my own boat on the River Douro in Porto listening to a classical radio station and writing this blog.

I eat well; drink better and if I had a lament, it’s nice to share great times, adventures, eating and drinking with someone who appreciates the same.

River traffic
River traffic

But am I suffering?  Please.

As I took the bus back to Dauntless, a picturesque ride along the river, I noticed the dozens of fisherman along the river bank.

Bridges over the Rio Douro
Bridges over the Rio Douro

Like my father, who would go surf casting on Long Island, these fishermen (and some women) certainly enjoy fishing, but like most before them for the last eon, they also appreciated that what they caught was “meat” on the table and it was free. These aren’t sport fisherman with million dollar boats spending more on fuel and beer than their catch would ever pay for.  No, these are real people, doing what humans have done for  hundreds of thousands of years.

And now they have the luxury of being able to pass their time in a way both fruitful and enjoyable.

And like most Americans, just trying to get by as best they can.wp-1471113070188.jpg

In every port we have stopped, not a day goes by without someone mentioning our upcoming presidential election.  Not a day.  My nephews have remarked on this; coming from places in the U.S. where evidently no one they talk with talks about such things.  Instead in Europe, Europeans always talk about politics, be it the government of the month or the world as they see it.

More river traffic
More river traffic

Trump is mentioned is the same way one talks about the latest disaster, with a certain gleam in their eye, knowing just the name will bring a reaction:  “Did you see that train wreak last week, how could the Italians have two trains on the same track?  What about that tsunami, a quarter million washed out to sea!”

What does one respond?  “Yes, it will certainly be a speculator train wreak. I have tickets for the first row. I’d be glad to trade them for a few rows further back”.  “Oh, I understand.  You have to give your cat a bath that day.”

My glass of "Port"
My glass of “Port”

Just like in America, Trump certainly has his admirers, especially in Ireland.  Oh those rebels. Europeans are fed up with politicians just like most Americans, but Europeans also have a better view of reality.  They see Trump for what he is.

So their conversation really revolves around the theme of “how is it possible you have such poor choices?”  The non-politician who pays no taxes versus the professional politician who only pays taxes on those monies given to her for her political favors.

But Europeans respect the USA in ways that can not be appreciated unless ones spends time outside the USA.  Those same people who lament our choices, also know that we are strong, don’t put up with BS very long, so will vote the bum out in four years.

Most Americans are just like the fisherman along the river.  They are just trying to get by and do what’s best for their families.

Our problem is that our elected leaders don’t have the same priorities.